Date - Title - OBP No
17.01.2005. 100st anniversary of the woman council. 3348
17.01.2005. promotion of Philately.3349
17.01.2005. Youth Philately.3350
17.01.2005. Youth Philately.Non Accepted design NA16
17.01.2005. Prior stamp.335114.02.2005. 100st anniversary of Rotary service club.3352
14.02.2005. Our Language.3353-3354
14.02.2005. 175 Year belgium -25 Year Federalisme.3355
14.02.2005. 175 Year belgium -25 Year Federalisme.Booklet 4828.02.2005. 175st anniversary of Belgian Dynasty.3356
28.02.2005. 175st anniversary of Belgian Dynasty. Block 118
28.02.2005. 175st anniversary of Belgium.3357-3366
28.02.2005. 175st anniversary of Belgium. Block 119
28.02.2005. Tsunami disaster 2004. 336721.03.2005. Belgica 2006. 3368-3372
21.03.2005. Belgica 2006. Block 120
21.03.2005. Belgica 2006 -self-adhesive. 3373-3377
21.03.2005. Belgica 2006 -self-adhesive. Booklet 49
21.03.2005. Prior stamp.3378
21.03.2005. Definitive Issue 'Birds'. 3279-3281
21.03.2005. Definitive Issue 'King Albert II'. 328204.04.2005. Floralia of Ghent. 3383-3385
04.04.2005. Europe - Gastronomy. 3386-3387
04.04.2005. Europe - Gastronomy. Small Sheet F3386/87
04.04.2005. Stamp Day. 3388
04.04.2005. Definitive Issue 'Birds'. 3389-339109.05.2005. War and Peace.3392-3394
09.05.2005. Korea War Volonteers.3395
09.05.2005. Tourisme -Monumental Clock Towers. 3396-3398
09.05.2005. Summer Stamps : Holiday !. 3399-3400
09.05.2005. Occasion Stamps - self-adhesive. 3401-3405
09.05.2005. Occasion Stamps - self-adhesive. Booklet 50-53
09.05.2005. Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive 3406
09.05.2005. Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive Booklet 5418.06.2005. Belgian international Sport Champions 3407-3412
18.06.2005. Belgian international Sport Champions Block 121
18.06.2005. Turkish-Belgium Joint Issue - Tapestries . 3413-3414
18.06.2005. Turkish-Belgium Joint Issue - Tapestries. Memorial card 3413/14HK
18.06.2005. 75 year Belgian Radio. 341521.07.2005. Definitive Issue 'King Albert II'. 3416-3417
25.07.2005. First Silver Belgian Stamp -King Leopold I and King Albert II. 3418
25.07.2005. First Silver Belgian Stamp -King Leopold I and King Albert II. presentation map 3418PM
25.07.2005. Nature - Shells. 3419-3424
25.07.2005. Nature - Shells. Block 12210.09.2005. Scrain of O.L.V of Doornik. 3425
10.09.2005. Singapore-Belgium Joint Issue : Old Shops. 3426-3429
10.09.2005. Singapore-Belgium Joint Issue : Old Shops. Memorial card 3426/29HK
10.09.2005. Europalia - Russia. 3430-3431
10.09.2005. Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive 3432
10.09.2005. Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive Booklet 5526.09.2005. Asterix and the Belgians. 3433-3438
26.09.2005. Asterix and the Belgians. Block 12308.10.2005. This is Belgium - Art in Belgium. 3439-3448
08.10.2005. This is Belgium - Art in Belgium. Block 124
08.10.2005. Tales: 200 year H.C. Andersen. 3449-3453
08.10.2005. Tales: 200 year H.C. Andersen. Block 125
08.10.2005. Tales: 200 year H.C. Andersen - self-adhesive. 3454-3458
08.10.2005. Tales: 200 year H.C. Andersen - self-adhesive. Booklet 5629.10.2005. Music :Harmonies and Brassbands. 3459-3463
29.10.2005. Music :Harmonies and Brassbands. Booklet 57
29.10.2005. Populair Literature. 3464-3465
29.10.2005. Populair Literature. Small Sheet F3464/6529.10.2005. Christmas and New Year. 3466
29.10.2005. Christmas and New Year - self-adhesive. 3467
29.10.2005. Christmas and New Year - self-adhesive. Booklet 58
29.10.2005. 70th Anniversary of death of Queen Astrid. 3468
29.10.2005. 100th Anniversary of Birth of Queen Astrid. 3469
29.10.2005. 100th Anniversary of Birth of Queen Astrid. Block 126
Block 118 175st anniversary of Belgian Dynasty.
Block 119 175st anniversary of Belgium.
Block 120 Belgica 2006.
Block 121 Belgian international Sport Champions
Block 122 Nature - Shells.
Block 123 Asterix and the Belgians.
Block 124 This is Belgium - Art in Belgium.
Block 125 Tales: 200 year H.C. Andersen.
Block 126 100th Anniversary of Birth of Queen Astrid.
Booklet 48 175 Year belgium -25 Year Federalisme.
Booklet 49 Belgica 2006 -self-adhesive.
Booklet 50-53 Occasion Stamps - self-adhesive.
Booklet 54 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive
Booklet 55 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive
Booklet 56 Tales: 200 year H.C. Andersen - self-adhesive.
Booklet 57 Music :Harmonies and Brassbands.
Booklet 58 Christmas and New Year - self-adhesive.NA16 Youth Philately.
Small Sheet F3386/87 Europe - Gastronomy.
Small Sheet F3464/65 Populaire Literature.
Memorial card 3413/14HK Turkish-Belgium Joint Issue - Tapestries.
Memorial card 3426/29HKSingapore-Belgium Joint Issue : Old Shops.