Nature - Shells

Date of issue: 23th of July 2005.

OBC/COB number: 3419-3424

See also Block 112

Created by: Diane Bruyninckx

Size: sheet 160mm x 130mm
Composition of the sheets: 6
Printing Process: rasterdiepdruk
Number of plates:
Printing Run: Undefined
Paper: P8 ( see paper Types ) Self-Adhesive

3419 - € 0.44 - Multicoulered - Buccinum undatum
3420 - € 0.44 - Multicoulered - Donax vittatus
3421 - € 0.44 - Multicoulered - Epitonium clathrus
3422 - € 0.44 - Multicoulered - Anodonta cygnea
3423 - € 0.44 - Multicoulered - Cepaea nemoralis
3424 - € 0.44 - Multicoulered - Anodonta nemoralis