Date - Title - OCB No
23.01.2003 Henry Van de Velde , Flemisch Architect (1863-1957). 3146-3148
23.01.2003 Henry Van de Velde , Flemisch Architect (1863-1957). 3149
23.01.2003 Henry Van de Velde , Flemisch Architect (1863-1957). Block 101
23.01.2003 One heart for ........... 3150-3155
23.01.2003 One heart for ........... Small Sheet F3150/5522.02.2003 200st Anniversary of birth of Hector Berlioz. 3156
22.02.2003 Folk sports. 3157-3158
22.02.2003 Folk sports. 3159
22.02.2003 Folk sports. Block 10215.03.2003 Belgian Universitys. 3160-3161
29.03.2003 Definitive Issue - 'Birds'. 3162
29.03.2003 Belgian Red Cross. 3163-3165
29.03.2003 Belgian Red Cross. Small Sheet F3163/6526.04.2003 Flowers - Floralia of Luik. 3166
26.04.2003 Flowers - Floralia of Luik. Non Accepted design NA 12
26.04.2003 100st Anniversary of birth of Georges Simenon (1903-1989). 3167-3168
26.04.2003 100st Anniversary of birth of Georges Simenon (1903-1989). 3169
26.04.2003 100st Anniversary of birth of Georges Simenon (1903-1989). Block 10310.05.2003 Russia-Belgium Joint Issue. 3170-3171
10.05.2003 Russia-Belgium Joint Issue. memorial card 3170HK
10.05.2003 Russia-Belgium Joint Issue. Small Sheets F3170/7117.05.2003 Stamp Day. 3172
17.05.2003 Youth Philately. 317328.06.2003 Nature -Minerals. 3174-3178
28.06.2003 Nature -Minerals. Small Sheet F3174/78
28.06.2003 Europe. 3179
28.06.2003 Stamps for personalisated series. 3180-318305.07.2003 This is Belgium (1st Issue). 3184-3193
05.07.2003 This is Belgium (1st Issue). Block 104
05.07.2003 Tourisme - Popular Statues. 3194-319809.08.2003 Definitive Issue 'Birds'. 3199-3200
09.08.2003 Homage to King Boudewijn and King Albert II. 3201
09.08.2003 Homage to King Boudewijn and King Albert II. 3202-3203
09.08.2003 Homage to King Boudewijn and King Albert II. Block 105
09.08.2003 Definitive Issue - 'King Albert II'. 320413.09.2003 Italy-Belgium Joint Issue. 3205-3026
13.09.2003 Italy-Belgium Joint Issue. memorial card 3205/3026HK
13.09.2003 Promotion of Philately - Artworks in Belgian Collections. 320706.10.2003 Definitive Issue - 'King Albert II'. 3209
25.10.2003 Definitive Issue - 'King Albert II'. 3208
25.10.2003 St.Nicholas. 3210
25.10.2003 Social cohesion. 3211
25.10.2003 Definitive Issue - 'Birds'. 321231.10.2003 50 year Belgian Televison. 3213-3217
31.10.2003 50 year Belgian Televison. Block 10608.11.2003 Books. 3218-3220
08.11.2003 Literature. 3221-3222
08.11.2003 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.3223
08.11.2003 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.Booklet 4215.11.2003 Christmas and New Year. 3224
21.11.2003 Tennis. 3225-3226
21.11.2003 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.3227
21.11.2003 Stamps for personalisated series.3228
Block 101 Henry Van de Velde , Flemisch Architect (1863-1957).
Block 102 Folk sports.
Block 103 100st Anniversary of birth of Georges Simenon (1903-1989).
Block 104 This is Belgium (1st Issue).
Block 105 Homage to King Boudewijn and King Albert II.
Block 106 50 year Belgian Televison.
Booklet 42 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.
NA 12 Flowers - Floralia of Luik.
Small Sheet F3150/55 One heart for ...........
Small Sheet F3163/65 Belgian Red Cross.
Small Sheet F3170/71 Russia-Belgium Joint Issue.
Small Sheet F3174/78 Nature -Minerals.Memorial card 3170HK Russia-Belgium Joint Issue.
Memorial card 3205/3026HK Italy-Belgium Joint Issue.