
Date - Title - OBP No

12.02.2001 Promotion of Philately. 2968-2969
12.02.2001 Promotion of Philately. 2970
12.02.2001 Promotion of Philately. Block 88
12.02.2001 Belgian Dynasty. 2971-2976
12.02.2001 Belgian Dynasty. Block 89

15.01.2001 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive. 2977

17.03.2001 100st anniversary of dead of Zénobe Gramme. 2978
17.03.2001 575st anniversary of Catholic Universaty of Leuven. 2979

26.03.2001 Definitive issue 'King Albert II' - Type nr. 2840. 2980-2983
26.03.2001 Definitive issue 'King Albert II' - Type nr. 2576. 2984
26.03.2001 Definitive issue - 'Birds'. 2985-2988

21.04.2001 Europe - Water . 2989
21.04.2001 Europe - Water . Non Accepted Design NA13
21.04.2001 Music and Literature.2990-2991
21.04.2001 Music and Literature. 2992
21.04.2001 Music and Literature. Block 90

05.05.2001 75st anniversary of the Belgian Railway NMBS. 2993-2995
05.05.2001 75st anniversary of the Belgian Railway NMBS. Small Sheet F2993/95

09.06.2001 Belgica 2001. 2996-3000
09.06.2001 Belgica 2001. Small Sheets F2996-F2997-F2998-F2999-F3000
09.06.2001 Belgica 2001. 3001
09.06.2001 Belgica 2001. Block 91

10.06.2001 Maroc-Belgium Joint Issue. 3002-3003
10.06.2001 Maroc-Belgium Joint Issue. Memorial Card 3002HK

11.06.2001 200st anniversary museum of Modern Art of belgium. 3004-3007
11.06.2001 200st anniversary museum of Modern Art of belgium. Booklet 37

12.06.2001 China-Belgium Joint Issue - Chinese Art. 3008-3009
12.06.2001 China-Belgium Joint Issue - Chinese Art. Memorial Card 3008HK

13.06.2001 Youth Philately. 3010
13.06.2001 Youth Philately. Non Accepted design NA 9
13.06.2001 Definitive issue - 'Birds'. 3011

14.06.2001 World Championship Artistic Gym and Cycle on the road. 3012-3013

15.06.2001 Belgian presidency of European Union 2001. 3014
15.06.2001 Belgian presidency of European Union 2001. Non Accepted design NA 10

04.08.2001 Tourisme. 3015-3016
04.08.2001 Nature. 3017-3021

08.09.2001 Belgian Red Cross. 3022

06.10.2001 Stamp Day. 3023
06.10.2001 Stamp Day. Booklet 38

20.10.2001 Voyage trough the 20st centuty (3th Issue). 3024-3043
20.10.2001 Voyage trough the 20st centuty (3th Issue). Block 92

10.11.2001 Christmas and New year. 3044
10.11.2001 Christmas and New year. F3044

10.12.2001 Mourning stamp. 3045
10.12.2001 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.3046-3047
10.12.2001 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.Booklet 39
10.12.2001 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.Booklet 40

31.12.2001 Congo-Belgium Joint Issue. 3048
31.12.2001 Congo-Belgium Joint Issue. Memorial card 3048HK
31.12.2001 Congo-Belgium Joint Issue. 3049
31.12.2001 Congo-Belgium Joint Issue. Block 93

Blocks (BL)

Block 88 Promotion of Philately.
Block 89 Belgian Dynasty.
Block 90 Music and Literature.
Block 91 Belgica 2001.
Block 92 Voyage trough the 20st centuty (3th Issue).
Block 93 Kongo-Belgium Joint Issue.

Booklets (B)

Booklet 38 Stamp Day.
Booklet 39 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.
Booklet 40 Definitive Issue - Flowers - Self-adhesive.

Non Accepted Designs (NA)

NA 13 Europe - Water .
NA 9 Youth Philately.
NA 10 Belgian presidency of European Union 2001.

Small Sheets (F)

Small Sheet F2993/95 75st anniversary of the Belgian Railway NMBS.
Small Sheets F2996-F2997-F2998-F2999-F3000 Belgica 2001.
Small Sheet F3044 Christmas and New year.

Memorial Cards (HK)

Memorial Card 3002HK Maroc-Belgium Joint Issue.
Memorial Card 3008HK China-Belgium Joint Issue - Chinese Art.
Memorial card 3048HK Congo-Belgium Joint Issue.