Date - Title - OBC/COB Nr
19.01.1968 Definitive Issue - number on Heraldic Lion. 1443
03.02.1968 Campain against work accidents. 1444
17.03.1968 Stamp Day. 1445
12.03.1968 Definitive Issue - number on Heraldic Lion. 1446
13.04.1968 Centennial of Stamp printing office at Mechelen. 1447
13.04.1968 Historical. 1448-1451
27.04.1968 Europe CEPT. 1452-1453
27.04.1968 Belgian Red Cross. 1454-1455
25.05.1968 Olympic games Mexico 68. 1456-1460
22.06.1968 Tourisme. 1461-1462
22.06.1968 Disasters. 1463-1465
07.09.1968 National intrest.1466-1469
19.10.1968 Solidarity - Zoo of Antwerp.1470-1473
09.11.1998 Patriotisme - 50 annivesary of the victory of 1918.1474-1477
07.12.1968 Christmas.1478
14.12.1968 Sea channel of Gent.1479
14.12.1968 Tourisme.1480-1481