Anti-TBC - Big Market Place of Brussel. 1354-1358

Date of issue: 4th of December 1965

OBC/COB numbers: 1354-1358


Created by: Minders ; Oscar Bonnevalle /Jean de Vos

Perforation: 11 1/2
Composition of the sheets: 30 ; 1358 - 25
Printing Process: Steeldeepprint ; 1358 - Combined screen and Steelprint
Number of plates: 1-2-3-4
Printing Run: 1354 - 1.390.135ex ; 1355 - 974.758ex ; 1356 - 909.480ex ; 1357 - 933.114ex ; 1358 863.480ex

1354 - 50c+10c House of Gildes
1355 - 1F+40c House of Brewery
1356 - 2F+1F Seamans House
1357 -3F+1F50 House of Duches of Brabant
1358 -10F+4F50 - City Hall Tower