Date - Title - OBC/COB Nr
20.03.1961 400st Anniversary Birth of Nicalaus Rockox, Maire of Antwerp. 1174
16.04.1961 Stamp Day. 1175
22.04.1961 Culture : belgian Personalities. 1176-1181
03.06.1961 Zoo of Antwerp. 1182-1187
29.07.1961 4th Centurian of Mechelen as City. 1188-1190
14.09.1961 50th Anniversary of Interparlement Union. 1191-1192
16.09.1961 Europe. 1193-1194
08.11.1961 Belgian and EURATOM. 1195-1197
02.12.1961 Anti-TBC- Belgian Masters. 1198-1203