Definitive issue 'King Albert II'
Date of issue: 2nd of January 2009
OBC/COB numbers: 3867-3870
Created by: MVTM
Perforation: 11 1/2
Size: 32,50mm x 27,66mm
Composition of the sheets: 10
Printing Process: screendeepprint
Number of plates:
Printing Run: Undefined
Paper: P5b ( see paper Types )
3867 -- € 0,90 Monochroom. Licht Blue - King Albert II
3868 -- € 1,05 Monochroom. Orange Yellow - King Albert II
3869 -- € 2,70 Monochroom. Green - King Albert II
3870 -- € 3,15 Monochroom. Lila - King Albert II
3867tb - 3867 + 'Europe-Europa' tab at Bottom
3868tb - 3869 + 'Rest van de wereld-reste du monde' tab at Bottom
3869tb - 3868 + 'Europa-Europe' tab at Bottom
3870tb - 3870 + 'Reste du monde - rest van de wereld' tab at Bottom