Belgian international Sport Champions - Judo

Date of issue: 18h of June 2005.

OBC/COB number: 3407-3412

See also Block 121

Created by: Myriam Voz/Thierry Martin (MVTM)

Perforation: 11 1/2
Size: 40,20mm x 27,66mm
Composition of the sheets: 6.
Printing Process: rasterdiepdruk
Number of plates:
Printing Run: Undefined
Paper: P5 ( see paper Types )

3407 - € 0.50 - Multicoulered - Robert van de Walle
3408 - € 0.50 - Multicoulered - Ingrid Berghmans
3409 - € 0.50 - Multicoulered - Ulla Werbrouck
3410 - € 0.50 - Multicoulered - Gella Vandecaveye
3411 - € 0.50 - Multicoulered - Christelle Deliège
3412 - € 0.50 - Multicoulered - Johan Laats


Stamps with PRIOR tabs

3407pl - 3407 + 'PRIOR' tab on left


3408pl - 3408 + 'PRIOR' tab on left


3409pl - 3409 + 'PRIOR' tab on left


3410pl - 3410 + 'PRIOR' tab on left


3411pl - 3411 + 'PRIOR' tab on left


3412pl - 3412 + 'PRIOR' tab on right














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