Happy Birthday - Princess Elisabeth

Date of issue: 25th of October 2002.

OBC/COB numbers: 3098-3099


Created by: Christiaen Lambiotte

Perforation: 11 1/2
Size: 3098 -27,66mmx38,40mm ; 3099 - 40,20mmx 27,66
Composition of the sheets: 3098 -10 with PRIOR tab top or bottom; 3099 - 20
Printing Process: rasterdiepdruk
Number of plates: 3098 - 1-2-3-4 ; 3099 - 1-2
Printing Run: 3098 -3.204.730 ex ; 3099 - 1.130.480 ex.
Paper: - Polyvalent Phosforescent

3098 - € 0,49 - Quadrichromy. - Princess Elisabeth
3099 - € 0,59 - Quadrichromy. - Princess Elisabeth with parents


Stamps with PRIOR tabs

3098pt - 3098 + 'PRIOR' tab on top
3098pb- 3098 + 'PRIOR' tab on bottom


Small Sheet
















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