Date - Title - OBC/COB Nr

14.01.1967 50th Anniversary of the Lions Clubs. 1404-1405
11.02.1967 Arms Musuem at Luik. 1406
11.02.1967 World year of Tourisme. 1407
11.03.1967 Nature protection. 1408-1409
11.03.1967 European campaing for fugitives. 1410-1412
11.03.1967 European campaing for fugitives. Block 43
16.04.1967 Stamp Day 1413
15.04.1967 Paul-Emile Janson. 1414
29.04.1967 Europe. 1415-1416
03.06.1967 Belgian Flax Industry 1417
03.06.1967 700th Anniversary of City rights for Oostende. 1418
24.06.1967 Robert Schuman.1419
24.06.1967 Kongolo Memorial at Gentinnes.1420
24.06.1967 Colonial solidarity.1421
24.06.1967 European day of telecommunication.1422
15.07.1967 Tourisme.1423-1424
02.09.1967 Fondation Charles Plisnier and Lodewijk De Rayt.1425-1426
02.09.1967 Culture - Erasmus. 1427-1431
30.09.1967 Britisch week . 1432
30.09.1967 University of Luik and Gent. 1433-1434
21.10.1967 Exhibition 'Postphila I'.1435
21.10.1967 Exhibition 'Postphila I'.Block 44
11.11.1967 Christmas. 1436
09.12.1967 Solidarity - Children games. 1437-1442