Periode 1

Allready more than 5.400 belgian Stamps Online with facts and figures

'World of belgian Stamps' combines my interests in Belgian culture and history with a continuing fascination for its philatelic history. It reflects my belief that in order to pursue any philatelic aspects of a country, a collector must cultivate an appreciation for the country's cultural heritage and an understanding of its language.

Philatelists will find full-color representative philatelic exhibits, reviews of the latest in Belgian-related philatelic research, on-going research topics and a dictionary of philatelic terms.

To make the overvieuw about belgian stamps more conviened for every one , we can look the the Belgian stamps into three periods. - Periode 1 (1849-1913) - Periode 2 (1914-1945) - Periode 3 (1945-2015)

new in webstore
Annual Map 2014
OBP Catalog 2016
Stamps 2015

13 November 2015 : Update Stamps 2015

7 march 2015 : Update periode 1 - corrections found by mr. Leo Buntinx


Periode 2

Periode 3

per OBP/COB nr

NEW : Belgian Congo
Non Accepted (NA)
Memorial Cards (HK)
Blocks ( BL)
Booklets ( B)
Duostamp ( DUO)
Railway Vignets (TRV)
looking for stock



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